Figures of speech Starting with "Come"
Come to fruitionঘটা (to occur)
Models in Sentences:
- How did this come to fruition? (এটা কিভাবে ঘটলো?)
- This proposition for the undertaking came about unexpectedly.
দেখা পাওয়া (to get sight of)
Models in Sentences:
- I ran over my old companion at the reasonable yesterday. (আমি মেলায় গতকাল আমার পুরনো বন্ধুর দেখা পেয়েছিলাম।)
- How could you run over him?
Go back and forth
পরিবর্তন হওয়া (change)
Models in Sentences:
- Molds consistently travel every which way. (ফ্যাশান সবসময় পরিবর্তন হয়।)
- For what reason do your choices go back and forth?
Come around to
মত পরিবর্তন করতে শুরু (to change one's position)
Models in Sentences:
- I will positively make him come around to my position. (আমি অবশ্যই তাকে আমার অবস্থানে আনবো।)
- I realized that you would come around to my side in the long run.
Stop by
পাওয়া (to get)
Models in Sentences:
- How could you stop by this book? (তুমি এই বইটি কিভাবে পেলে?)
- I stopped by this pendrive on the table.
অসুস্থ হওয়া (become sick with)
Models in Sentences:
- Alex caught cold and fever. (এ্যালেক্স ঠান্ডা এবং জ্বরে অসুস্থ হয়েছিলো।)
- Liza caught typhoid.
Complete the cycle
আগের অবস্থায় ফিরে যাওয়া (to come back to the previous position)
Models in Sentences:
- We are glad that everything has ended up at ground zero. (আমরা সুখী যে, সবকিছু আগের অবস্থায় ফিরে গিয়েছে।)
- The businesses' capacity was diminished by the associations at a certain point, yet the wheel has ended up at ground zero once more.
Prove to be useful
কাজে লাগা (be valuable)
Models in Sentences:
- This skillet may prove to be useful in your cooking. (এই কড়াইটি তোমার রান্নার কাজে লাগতে পারে।)
- These scissors may prove to be useful in your sewing.
Come into contact
সংস্পর্শে আসা (to come in contact with, to have an association with)
Models in Sentences:
- I came into contact with him while working there. (আমি সেখানে কাজ করার সময় তার সংস্পর্শে এসেছিলাম।)
- Jim came into contact with that individual while doing the task.
Become stylish
জনপ্রিয় হওয়া (getting well known)
Models in Sentences:
- This sari has become stylish once more. (এই শাড়ীটি আবার জনপ্রিয় হয়েছে।)
- This sort of pants has become stylish once more.
Come into power
কার্যকরী হওয়া (to be successful)
Models in Sentences:
- This law will come into power from the long stretch of June. (জুন মাস থেকে এই আইনটি কার্যকর হবে।)
- This standard will come into power soon.
Fall off without a hitch
জয়ী হওয়া (to win)
Models in Sentences:
- Our group fell off without a hitch from the competition. (আমাদের দল টুর্নামেন্ট থেকে জয়ী হয়ে আসলো।)
- I don't feel that your group will fall off without a hitch.
Miss the mark regarding
কম পড়া (to miss the mark, to be insufficient)
Models in Sentences:
- His benefit missed the mark regarding his desires. (তার প্রত্যাশার থেকে তার লাভ কম হয়েছিলো।)
- Abruptly the nourishment missed the mark regarding our stock.
থেমে যাওয়া (to be at a halt)
Models in Sentences:
- The transport stopped when it arrived at the stoppage. (বাসটা স্টপেজে পৌঁছানের পর থেমে গেলো।)
- The vehicle got faulty and stopped.
Reach a critical stage
চরম অবস্থায় পৌঁছানো (arriving at a basic stage)
Models in Sentences:
- The misconception between them has reached a crucial stage. (তাদের মধ্যেকার ভুল বোঝাবুঝি চরম অবস্থায় পৌঁছেছে।)
- The squabble between the two families reached a critical stage.
Grind to a halt
থেমে যাওয়া (to be unmoving, to stop)
Models in Sentences:
- Out of nowhere, the jeep ground to a halt. (হঠাৎ জীপটা থেমে গেলো।)
- The vehicle escaped request and ground to a halt.
Reach a conclusion
অব্সান (to arrive at a resolution)
Models in Sentences:
- Our get-away reached a conclusion. (আমাদের ছুটির অবসান হলো।)
- Finally, the misconception between the two families reached a conclusion.
Become animated
জ্ঞান ফিরে পাওয়া (to recapture one's sense)
Models in Sentences:
- The patient who had been in a state of insensibility has sprung up. (কোমায় থাকা রোগীটি জ্ঞান ফিরে পেয়েছেন।)
- Finally, the basic patient sprung up with Allah's leniency and specialists' endeavors.
Become exposed
প্রকাশ হয়ে যাওয়া (to get open)
Models in Sentences:
- Finally, reality became known. (অবশেষে সত্য প্রকাশিত হলো।)
- The man was extremely on edge that his insider facts may become known.
Come to nothing
নিষ্ফল হওয়া, ব্যর্থ হওয়া (to be inadequate)
Models in Sentences:
- Every one of his endeavors came to nothing. (তার সব প্রচেষ্টা ব্যর্থ হলো।)
- All his endeavors to hinder the fast vehicle came to nothing.
Start thinking clearly
আত্মনিয়ন্ত্রণ ফিরে পাওয়া (recover discretion)
Models in Sentences:
- Richard started thinking clearly about the appearance of his dad. (রিচার্ড তার বাবার আগমনের সাথে আত্মনিয়ন্ত্রণ ফিরে পেলো।)
- When his mom slapped him, Aric has begun to act normally again.
ঘটা (occur)
Models in Sentences:
- How did the make a difference happen? (কিভাবে ব্যাপারটা ঘটলো?)
- The issue happened after the appearance of James.
আপস করা, চুক্তি করা (to yield, to come into an understanding)
Models in Sentences:
- He was constrained to deal with the adversary. (সে শত্রুর সাথে আপস করতে বাধ্য হয়েছিলো।)
- It is safe to say that you are considering attempting to grappled with him?
Think of
কোন ধারণা সম্পর্কে চিন্তা করা (think about a thought)
Models in Sentences:
- Finally, Lisa concocted another thought. (অবশেষে, লিসা একটা নতুন ধারণা সম্পর্কে চিন্তা করলো।)
- The organization is expecting that you will think of an intriguing thought.
Come round
আরোগ্য লাভ (to fix, recuperate)
Models in Sentences:
- The patient has come round. (রোগী আরোগ্য লাভ করেছে।)
- I trust you will come round
Normal English Lessons - LINK
- Figures of speech Starting with "Simple"
- Sayings Starting with "Drop"
- Figures of speech Starting with "Draw"
- Maxims Starting with "Down"
- 6 Idioms Starting with "Canine"
- Colloquialisms Starting with "Do"
- Figures of speech Starting with "Dirty"/ "Filthy"
- Figures of speech Starting with "Dead"
- 6 Idioms Starting with "Day"
- Figures of speech Starting with "Cut"
- Maxims Starting with "Cross" and "Cry"
- Phrases Starting with "Come"
- 7 Idioms Starting with "Cold"
- 6 Idioms Starting with "Close"
- 6 Idioms Starting with "Change"
- Figures of speech Starting with "Catch"
- 5 Idioms Starting with "Cast"
- 7 Idioms Starting with "Convey"
- Figures of speech Starting with "Call"
- Maxims Starting with "By"
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