English to Bengali, বাংলা ও ইংরেজি, Online English to Bengali Tense, English Gramma

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Showing posts with label Interrogative Negative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interrogative Negative. Show all posts

How to speak english fluently in bengali (কিভাবে সাবলীলভাবে ইংরেজিতে কথা বলা যায়),Do you want to Speak English Faster. How to speak english fluently,

Do you want to Speak English Faster
কিভাবে সাবলীলভাবে ইংরেজিতে কথা বলা যায়

1.I have got to go, 
2.I have got a book,
3.Do you want to dance?
4.Do you want a banana?
5.let me in,
6.let me go,
7.I'll let you know, 
8.Did you do it?
9.Not yet, 
10.I will meet you later,
How to Say you are welcome
No problem.
Of course.
It was nothing.
No worries.
Sure thing.
It's okay.
You are welcome.
Don't mention it.
You got it.
Glad to help.
That's all right.
Never mention it.
Glad to have helped.
Not a problem.
I'm happy to help you. 
It's my duty.
That's absolutely fine.
It's all gravy.
My pleasure.
Not at all.

Some Different Way To Say Pretty


English Speaking Basics Sentences

1. Fundamental utilization of 'I'm'

2. Varieties of 'I'm in/at/on'

3. I'm acceptable at

4. I'm + (action word)

5. I'm getting

6. I'm attempting + (action word)

7. I'm going to + (action word)

8. I have + (thing)

9. I have + (past participle)

10. I used to + (action word)

11. I need to + (action word)

12. I wanna + (action word)

13. I gotta + (action word)

14. I might want to + (action word)

15. I plan to + (action word)

16. I've chosen to + (action word)

17. I was going to + (action word)

18. I didn't intend to + (action word)

19. I don't have the opportunity to + (action word)

20. I vow not to + (action word)

21. I'd preferably + (action word)

22. I feel like + (action word ing)

23. I can't help + (action word ing)

24. I was occupied + (action word ing)

25. I'm not used to + (action word ing)

26. I need you to + (action word)

27. I'm here to + (action word)

28. I have something + (action word)

29. I'm anticipating

Future Tense তিনটি Form

Future Tense তিনটি Form

Future Indefinite 

Aff-He will read English.

Neg-He will not read English.

Int-Will he read English?

With Who
Who will read English,

Who other Wh
When will he read English?

Int. Neg:
Sub. Noun:
Will, not Ram read English?

Sub. Pronoun:
Will, he did not read English?

*Auxiliary: Shall/will
*Present Indefinite-এর  Verb form 

Future Continuous

Aff-He will be reading English.

Neg-He will not be reading English.

Int-Will he is reading English?

With Who
Who will be reading English?

Who other Wh
When will he be reading English?

Int. Neg:
Sub. Noun:
Will, not Ram be reading English?

Sub. Pronoun:
Will, he not be reading English?

*Auxiliary: Shall be/will be
*verb এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হবে। 
Future Perfect 

Aff-He will have read English.

Neg-He will not have read English.

Int-Will he have read English?

With Who
Who will have read English,

Who other Wh
When will he have read English?

Int. Neg:
Sub. Noun:
Will, not Ram have read English?

Sub. Pronoun:
Will, he did not have read English?

*Auxiliary: Shall have/will have
*Verb এর সঙ্গে Past participle যোগ হবে।

Very Useful English Verbs list

Useful Verbs list

1. Bring
4. Believe
20. Cry
23. Add     
33. Be     
53. Ask
56. Accept
58. Choose 
62. Allow
69. Continue

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Past Simple Tense Be Verb Use

Past Simple Tense Be Verb Use

Were in / wasn't sunny / wasn't late / were
Wasn't at / wasn't late / were so / weren't
Was / was yesterday / was at / weren't happy 
I wasn't / was nice / wasn't in his / wasn't embarrassed 
Wasn't sunny / was very / was at / wasn't
Was hot / were at / wasn't in / You weren't
He was / You were / weren't / were in
We were / were / wasn't very / was not
Wasn't / He was / was / was in
There was / They were / was at / He was
Wasn't in his / was hot / There was / was not
Was nice / wasn't in his / were so / wasn't very
Was in / wasn't at / were in / were so
Wasn't too / wasn't embarrassed / You weren't at / wasn't very
Wasn't very / was very / wasn't in his / was nice
Weren't in / was nice / wasn't sunny / wasn't at
Were / wasn't embarrassed / was not / We were
Weren't at / was at  / weren't in  / wasn't in his
Was yesterday / weren't at / wasn't in his / was very
Wasn't in / weren't / You weren't at / weren't home 
Weren't happy / was / was in / wasn't in
Wasn't late / I wasn't / wasn't in / They were
Was not / were so / wasn't late / wasn't embarrassed 
Weren't / wasn't very / weren't in / I wasn't
You weren't / We were / You weren't at / were
You were / were so / was hot / wasn't late
Wasn't embarrassed / There was / weren't home / was yesterday
Weren't very / was yesterday / wasn't / was in
Were so / You weren't at / weren't very / wasn't in
Were at / weren't in / weren't home / wasn't too
You weren't at / There was / He was / was at
They were / was yesterday / You weren't at / wasn't embarrassed 
Weren't home / There was / wasn't very / was
Was at / were in / was nice / You weren't at 
Was very / wasn't very / were at / wasn't at

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense 
[Aux+Have/Has+VPP(verb-এর past participle form )(V3)]
      কোনো কাজ শেষ হয়েছে কিন্তু তার ফল বা রেশটা এখনো বর্তমান - এমন বোঝাতে এই Tense -এর ব্যবহার হয়। এই Tense  একটা 'Complete event' - কে বর্তমান কালের সঙ্গা যুক্ত করে
যেমন :- সে ভাত খাচ্ছে। He has eaten rice .
তুমি বাড়ি গিয়েছো। You have gone home .
ব্যাপারটা কিরকম নিচে  Box-এ দেখো  দেখো :-
                সাধারণ ভাবে যাই - যাচ্ছি মানে যাওয়া কাজটা হচ্ছে বোঝাচ্ছে , আর গিয়েছি -- মানে যাওয়া কাজ টা  শেষ হয়েগিয়েছে (কমপ্লেটেড/Completed )
Affirmative Sentence
1- He has heard the sound.সে  শব্দটা  শুনেছে। 
2-You have done. তুমি এটা করেছে। 
3-She has written a letter.সে একটা চিঠি লিখিছে। 
4-They have dwawn a map. তারা একটি মানচিত্র এঁকেছে। 
Negative Sentence
1-He has not done anything . সে কিছুই করেনি। 
2-I have not broken the cup. আমি কাপটি ভাঙিনি। 
3-She has not helped me. সে আমায় সাহায্য করিনি। 
4-Nobody has seen the thief. চোরটাকে কেউ দেখিনি। 
5-You have not bought it. তুমি ইটা কেননি। 
Interrogative Sentence
1-Has he given you a book? সে কি তোমায় একটি বই দিয়েছে ?
2-Have you heard the news.?তুমি কি খবরটি শুনেছ ?
3-Has she brought a doll?সে কি একটি পুতুল এনেছে ?
4-Have the boys made a noise? ছেলেরা কি গোলমাল করছে ?
5-Have I done it?আমি কি ইটা করেছি ?
Interrogative Negative Sentence
Interrogative Negative Sentence গঠন করার নিয়ম আগের মতোই ; অর্থাৎ not - টা Subject  noun এর আগে আর Subject  pronoun  এর পরে বসে। 
[Aux +not+S.Noun+vpp+other words]
[Aux +S.pronoun+not+vpp+other words]
[Who+Aux +not+vpp+other words]
1-Has not Arun broken the glass ? অরুন কি গ্লাস টি ভাঙিনি ?
2-Has he not broken the glass ? সে কি গ্লাসটি ভাঙিনি ?
3-Why has he not come ?সে কেন আসেনি ?
4-Who has not heard the sound ?শব্দটা কে শোনেনি ?
5-Has not Biru done it ? বীরু কি ইটা করেনি ?

Interrogative Negative Sentences in Present Tense

Present indefinite Tense
Interrogative Negative (প্রশ্ন বোধক  না - বাচক )
   এই বাক্যে প্রশ্ন ও থাকবে আবার Negative element  ও থাকবে। এই ধরণের বাক্যে একটা not  বসে। not  তা subject noun এর আগে ও Subject  pronoun এর পরে বসে। 
1. Does not Ram go? রাম কি যায় না?
2. Does he not go? সে কি যায় না?
3. Is not john ill? জন কি অসুস্থ নয়?
4. Is he not ill? সে কি অসুস্হ নয়?
5. Has not Riki a pen? রিকি এর কি একটি কলম নেই?
6. Has he no pen? তার কি কোনো কলম নেই?
7. Who does not love his country? কে তার দেশকে ভালো বাসে না?
8. Why do you not read attentively? তুমি মন দিয়ে পড়ো না কেন?

Present indefinite Tense

1. Affirmative-------------------He read a book.2. Negative-----------------------He does no read a book.3. Interrogative------------------Does he read a book? 4. Interrogative Negative-------Does no Ram read a book?

'Be' Verb-এর ক্ষেত্রে 

1. Affirmative-------------------He is poor.2. Negative-----------------------He is not poor.3. Interrogative------------------Is he poor? 4. Interrogative Negative-------Is not Lalu poor?

'Have' Verb-এর ক্ষেত্রে 

1. Affirmative-------------------She has a doll.2. Negative-----------------------She has no doll.
3. Interrogative------------------Has she a doll? 4. Interrogative Negative-------Has not Sita a doll?


Present Tense (25) Normal English Lessons (15) মধু খাওয়ার উপকারিতা (14) Tense (12) Regular English Lessons (11) জীবন বদলে দেওয়ার মতো 30 টি বাণী (11) রসুনের উপকারিতা (10) Interrogative Sentence (8) Negative Sentence (8) Swami Vivekananda Bani in Bengali – বিবেকানন্দের অমূল্য বাণী (8) Affirmative Sentence (হাঁ -বাচক ) (7) Interrogative Negative (7) পেয়ারার উপকারিতা (7) কম্পিউটার কীবোর্ড শর্টকাট কোড এবং টেকনিক – (keyboard shortcuts) (6) রবীন্দ্রনাথের বাণী সমগ্র (6) 7 Idioms Starting with "Cold" (4) Parts of Speech-English Grammar (ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ) (4) Sayings Starting with "Cross" and "Cry" (4) 6 Idioms Starting with "Close" (3) এ.পি.জে আব্দুল কালাম (3) Adjective (2) Figures of speech Starting with "Come" (2) Motivational speech (2) Preposition (2) grammar (2) voice-active-voice-passive-voice (2) About Us (1) Adverb (1) Believe-in-yourself-sand-stone. (1) Computer Shortcut Keys (1) Motivational Quotes in Bangali (1) Noun (1) Parts of Speech: Noun (1) Pronoun (1) Verb (1) এ.পি.জে আব্দুল কালামের অনুপ্রেরণাদায়ক বাণী (1) নেতাজী সুভাষচন্দ্র বসু বাংলা বাণী Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Bangla Bani (1) বাংলা অনুপ্রেরণা মূলক উক্তি (1) ব্যবহার এবং অপকারিতা (1)

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