English to Bengali, বাংলা ও ইংরেজি, Online English to Bengali Tense, English Gramma

শিক্ষায় জীবন

Maxims Starting with "Filthy"

Maxims Starting with "Filthy"

  • Grimy look

অসম্মতির ভাব বা চাহনি (a look or look communicating dissatisfaction)
Models in Sentences:

  1. The understudies who were making clamors got filthy looks from their educator. (যেসব ছাত্ররা গোলমাল করছিলো তারা তাদের শিক্ষকের কাছ থেকে অসম্মতির চাহনি পেলো।)
  2. Ann gave a grimy glance at him and left.

  • Filthy elderly person

বৃদ্ধ বয়সে কামুক (lewd old individual)
Models in Sentences:

  1. A filthy elderly person is constantly abhorred. (বৃদ্ধ বয়সে কামুক একজন লোক সবসময় ঘৃণীত।)
  2. No one will like a filthy elderly person like him.

  • Filthy one's hand or soil one's hand

অবৈধ কাজ করা; লজ্জাজনক কাজ করা; পদমর্যাদার বা অবস্থানের নিচে কোনো কাজ করা (to be engaged with something unlawful; to do a despicable thing; to accomplish something which is underneath one)
Models in Sentences:

  1. I won't messy my hands by taking kickbacks. (আমি ঘুষ গ্রহণের মতো অবৈধ কাজ করবো না।)
  2. Try not to messy your hands by including yourself in an unlawful relationship.

  • Messy stunt

অসৎ কাজ (exploitative activity)
Models in Sentences:

  1. The man was truly condemned subsequent to drawing in himself in that grimy stunt. (নিজেকে সেই অসৎ কাজটিতে লিপ্ত করার পর লোকটি খুব সাংঘাতিকভাবে সমালোচিত হয়েছিলেন।)
  2. Try not to include yourself in such a messy stunt.

  • Messy word

অপছন্দনীয় বা অননুমোদিত (disdained or objected to)
Models in Sentences:

  1. Secularism is a messy word in that house. (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা সেই বাড়িতে একটি অননুমোদিত শব্দ।)
  2. Since Aric severed his commitment, his name is a messy word in the town.

  • Messy word

কটুক্তি, অশ্লীল শব্দ (a swear-word, a four-letter word)
Models in Sentences:

  1. You should not utilize messy words in your composition. (তুমি অবশ্যই তোমার লেখায় কটুক্তি ব্যবহার করবে না।)
  2. Try not to absolute such filthy words.

  • Filthy work

অসৎ কাজ (untrustworthy work)
Models in Sentences:

  1. The firm appears to be sufficiently decent, however there's a ton of filthy work going on. (ফার্মটিকে বেশ সম্মানজনক মনে হয়, কিন্তু সেখানে বহু অসৎ কাজ চলছে।)
  2. Try not to include yourself in any filthy work.

  • Messy work

নিরানন্দমূলক কাজ (uninteresting work)
Models in Sentences:

  1. My manager does all to travel. I get all the filthy work to do. (আমার বস ভ্রমণ করার জন্য সবকিছু করেন। আমি করার জন্য সব নিরানন্দমূলক কাজগুলো পাই।)
  2. No one will be intrigued to accomplish this grimy work.

Normal English Lessons 

  1. Figures of speech Starting with "Simple"
  2. Sayings Starting with "Drop"
  3. Figures of speech Starting with "Draw"
  4. Maxims Starting with "Down"
  5. 6 Idioms Starting with "Canine"
  6. Colloquialisms Starting with "Do"
  7. Figures of speech Starting with "Dirty"/ "Filthy"
  8. Figures of speech Starting with "Dead"
  9. 6 Idioms Starting with "Day"
  10. Figures of speech Starting with "Cut"
  11. Maxims Starting with "Cross" and "Cry"
  12. Phrases Starting with "Come"
  13. 7 Idioms Starting with "Cold"
  14. 6 Idioms Starting with "Close"
  15. 6 Idioms Starting with "Change"
  16. Figures of speech Starting with "Catch"
  17. 5 Idioms Starting with "Cast"
  18. 7 Idioms Starting with "Convey"
  19. Figures of speech Starting with "Call"
  20. Maxims Starting with "By"

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